Roster Surface Solution Co., Ltd.
Roster Surface Solution Co., Ltd.

Exploring Benefits Wet Sand-Blasting Equipment Wooden Furniture Restoration

Wood or furniture restoration is not only a vital industry, it is also a passionate hobby for many people. When wooden structures and homes are exposed to the elements for long periods of time, they inevitably experience weathering and the coating gradually wears off. If left untreated, these wooden items are likely to warp, rot or even break. This article will introduce you to wet sand-blasting equipment, which plays a pivotal role in restoring wood and extending the life of furniture.

How Wet Sand-blasting Equipment Works

Wet sand-blasting equipment works in a similar way to dry sand-blasting equipment, but the addition of water makes it gentler and eliminates the aggressiveness and roughness of dry sand-blasting equipment. wet sand-blasting equipment is a great example of an environmentally friendly process. It works by mixing water and abrasive media in a pressurized sand-blasting tank and combining it with compressed air to blast the mixture onto the surface of the wood being treated. This blast easily removes coatings without causing damage to the wood surface. Compared to dry sand blasting machine, wet sand-blasting equipment not only has a higher impact force, but also suppresses up to 95% of dust. In addition, the blasting speed of wet sand-blasting equipment can be adjusted according to the surface of the wood and the coating to be removed, which brings many benefits to wood restoration.

Advantages of Wet Sand-blasting Equipment for Wood Restoration

  • The wet sand-blasting equipment is environmentally friendly due to its multi-media dust-free design and low consumption of abrasive media and water. The use of water effectively suppresses dust generation and ensures the safety of the environment, the operator and others.

  • The jetting force of the wet sand-blasting equipment can be adjusted according to the characteristics of the surface to be treated, and is able to act gently on wooden surfaces, removing contaminants such as paint and insect glue. Without the roughness and aggressiveness of dry sand-blasting equipment, wet sand-blasting equipment does not damage wood surfaces.

  • Capable of restoring century-old wooden objects, wet sand-blasting equipment is powerful enough to remove years of old coatings, weathering and dirt.

  • The wet sand-blasting equipment works not only on softwoods such as pine, cedar and redwood, but also on many hardwoods such as oak, maple and walnut. It penetrates deep into the corners of wooden objects for a perfect clean.

The wet sand-blasting equipment is an invaluable technology that makes it easy to restore wood and extend the life of your furniture. For those who are passionate about furniture restoration, wet sand-blasting equipment is certainly a new option worth trying.

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