Roster Surface Solution Co., Ltd.
Roster Surface Solution Co., Ltd.

How Does The Shot Blasting Machine Handle Steel Shots With Oil?

Shot blasting machines are essential equipment in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and construction. They are used to clean, strengthen, or polish metal surfaces, preparing them for further processing like painting or coating. The shot blasting machine propels steel shots at high speed to impact the surface of the workpiece, removing impurities, rust, and old paint. However, one common issue that arises during the shot blasting process is the handling of steel shots with oil. This article will explain how shot blasting machines handle this situation.

The shot blasting machine supplier designs the equipment with a built-in separation system that separates the steel shots from the oil. This system is crucial in maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the shot blasting process.

The separation process begins once the steel shots are propelled onto the workpiece. The impact dislodges the oil, dirt, and other contaminants from the surface, which are then mixed with the used steel shots. These used shots are collected in a recovery system and transported to the separation system.

The separation system in the shot blasting machine uses various methods to separate the oil from the steel shots. One common method is air wash separation. In this process, the used shots are fed into a separator where a stream of air is blown through. The lighter particles, such as oil and dust, are blown away while the heavier steel shots fall back into the machine for reuse.

Another method used by shot blasting equipment is magnetic separation. This process uses a magnetic field to separate the steel shots from the oil. The magnetic field attracts the steel shots, pulling them away from the oil and other non-magnetic particles.

In some advanced automatic shot blasting machine, a centrifugal separator is used. This equipment spins the mixture of used shots and oil at high speed. The centrifugal force pushes the heavier steel shots to the outer edge of the separator, while the lighter oil particles remain in the center and are drained away.

After the separation process, the cleaned steel shots are recycled back into the shot blasting machine for reuse. This not only saves resources but also ensures the efficiency of the shot blasting process.

In conclusion, the shot blasting machine handles steel shots with oil through a built-in separation system. This system uses various methods, including air wash separation, magnetic separation, and centrifugal separation, to separate the oil from the steel shots. This process ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of the shot blasting process, making the shot blasting machine an indispensable piece of equipment in various industries.

When choosing a shot blasting machine supplier, it is essential to consider the efficiency of their machine’s separation system. A high-quality shot blasting machine should be able to handle steel shots with oil effectively, ensuring a smooth and efficient shot blasting process.

How Does The Shot Blasting Machine Handle Steel Shots With Oil

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